**Special thanks to Eleanor and Lil for their help in creating or amending this faq.
LATEST UPDATES: April 09, 1998...May 12, 1998.
II(2)----What are the Happy Hollisters?
A. General Information on Series
III(3)---Why a FAQ on the Happy Hollisters?
A. Requests
B. Explanation--Collectors
C. Explanation--Personal
IV(4)----Who wrote and illustrated the Happy Hollisters?
A. General information
B. Andrew Svenson information
C. Pseudonym of Jerry West information
D. Additional Information on Jerry West
E. Helen S. Hamilton Information
V(5)-----Who published and produced the series?
A. Information--Double Day
B. Garden City
C. Stratemeyer Syndicates
VI(6)----What do the books look like?
A. With dust jacket
B. Without dust jacket
C. Picture Cover
D. Editions, Symbols, etc.
E. Colors In the Illustrations.
VII(7)---Who are the main characters in the books?
A. A listing of the main characters
VIII(8)--What are the books about?
A. A general explanation of plot for series
VIV(9)---Where can I find the books?
A. Conventional methods
B. On the web
X(10)----What should I look for if I start collecting?
A. Which collection of series should I start with?
B. Condition of books
C. Your reasons for collecting this series
XI(11)---Where can I find a listing of the titles?
A. Web Resources
B. Other Resources
XII(12)---How much are the books worth?
A. Disclaimer
B. Price List
XIII(13)-Are there other resources for the Hollisters?
A. Web resources listing
XIV(14)--Are there resources for other collectible series books?
A. Other FAQs--in alphabetical order
B. Other web pages--in alphabetical order
C. Other resources--in alphabetical order
XV(15)---General Tips and Ideas
A. Understanding and Reading Roman Numerals
B. For Love or Money
C. Additional Information
D. Additional Resources
E. Abbreviations used in this FAQ
F. Miscellaneous
II. What are The Happy Hollisters?
III. Why is there a FAQ on the Happy Hollisters?
IV. Who wrote and illustrated The Happy Hollisters?
The following obituary for Andrew E. Svenson is quoted from "Something About the Author", Vol. 26.
If you have further information please contact
me at
V. Who published and produced the series?
2. The Stratemeyer Syndicate Information Page can be found at:
VI. What do the books look like?
VII. Who are the main characters in the books?
VIII. What are the books about?
VIV. Where can I find these books?
I have bought Hollister books succesfully from these members:
Book was as described--in "Great" shape (NM), DJ was less than
perfect and this was noted, but I should have asked exactly
how big that "small spot missing off the bottom seam" was as it
turned out to be an inch long (approx.) and covered the bottom
spine portion of the dust jacket. Also a spot torn off front
cover and part of DJ spine (wasn't mentioned) approx. 3/4" by
1/4" as well as moderate bending marks on bottom of on bottom
of front cover. However, this was partially my fault for not
asking...and I have learned my lesson. Always ask! I am
expecting another book from her in my mailbox and am hoping
that it lives up to her description. If so, I will reflect
that here. Rating of B, because much of this was my own
fault for not asking. Second book was better than described and
her rating jumps to a B+
***jimaly@flash.net. Lynette was a great seller. Her descriptions were honest and she mentioned every (tiny) defect. She was pleasant and there was good communication throughout the transaction. I was pleased to find that both books were in NM condition when they arrived, though she had described them as VG. A rating of A++
Another source that I have used for buying the Happy Hollister
books is the Advanced Book exchange at:
I have had succesful transactions with these book dealers/sellers:
*84 Charing Cross Eh?. Book was EXACTLY as described. The nicest thing about these folks is that provide a removable mylar plastic cover (taped) with the books that they sell--which means even more protection for your collectible book. Very helpful with all questions that I asked of them. A very prompt response. I can't say enough about these sellers. The deserve the highest possible rating and I give them an A++ True professionals, they can be found at: 84char@up.net
I've also bought books from individual sellers and dealers
Nerman's Books and Collectibles
410-63 Albert St
Winnipeg MB Canada R3B 1G4
Phone:204-255-2196 order line
204-475-1050 store line
X. What should I look for if I start collecting?
*Like New(LN)-As close to new as possible. No defects that are visible to the naked eye. No signs of aging, no rips, no tears, no bending, no stamps or previous owner signatures, no stains, no marks on any of the pages, no bending or rips on any of the pages, no seperation of pages from binding or from other pages. Books in this condition are in better condition than some new books--a book with this rating should look as if it were hermetically sealed directly after leaving the publisher's presses. Museum quality. This book will also cost you an arm and a leg--and perhaps a few toes!
*Near Mint/Fine(NM/F)-A book in this condition may have very slight defects, but only the very slightest. The book must be sound/tight with no seperation of pages/binding or covers. Slight scuffing of edges, spine and corners is acceptable. No scratches should mar the surface whatsoever. A previous owner signature or stamp is okay as long as it doesn't detract from the book, but needs to be mentioned in a description as this is dependant on buyer preference. Bending, tears, writing or coloring (except sig/stamp) are not acceptable with books in this condition. Minor signs of aging are fine as long as they are noted.
*Very Good(VG)-A book in this condition shows minor to moderate wear on corners, edges and spine. Should show not more than 1/4" of tears in any given spot. Pages should not be ripped, binding/covers and individual pages should not show seperation. As long as binding and covers are tight and book is in above condition or better, paper (front inside cover and back inside cover) may show seperation, but webbing or binding material must be tight with no chance of seperation. Very minor bending of a few pages is acceptable. Bookstore stamps and signatures are fine as long as they are mentioned. Signs of aging are fine as long as they are mentioned.
*Good(G)-A book in this condition may show moderate wear on binding, edges and corners. Should not have rips or tears that are more than 1". Slight seperation of covers, spine, pages is okay, but needs to be mentioned. Can show moderate signs of aging as long as it's mentioned. Webbing and/or binding should not be seperated, but may show signs of seperation. Pages and spine may show moderate tears (no more than 1"). Minor pencil and crayon marks are acceptable as long as it's mentioned. Signature of previous owner or bookstore stamps are perfectly acceptable if mentioned. Bending of pages is acceptable. Minor scratches on the surface okay, but should be mentioned.
*Near Good(NG)-A book in this condition can show seperation of binding/webbing as long as the seperation is not complete. Book should be seperated no more than one-third from both back & front covers and spine. Marks on surface are fine as are moderate tears on some of the pages as long as these are noted, and do not detract from the readability of the book. Crayon and pencil marks are fine as long as they don't detract from readibility of book. All defects should be mentioned.
*Fair(FR)-A book in this condition should not be seperated more than halfway from back & front covers and spine. May show major scuffing marks on surface of book as well as moderate scratches. Dust jacket may be torn, scuffed or have marks where stickers were torn off. May have areas that are "fixed" with tape such as half of the spine, dust jacket or a page in the book. May be torn (or missing) pages that do not affect the readibility of the book. May show major bending such as a few pages bent in the middle or lengthwise. Mention all defects.
*Poor/Reading Copy(P/RC)-A book in this condition may have most of binding seperated from book, but should not be seperated more than 3/4 from back & front covers and spine. May have large tears on cover or spine. May have large tears and/or bends on pages as long as readibility is not affected. May have large scratches (gouges) on covers as long as readibility of book is not affected. May be fixed extensively with tape, glue, etc. Pages can not stick together though--and there can be no defects that affects the readibility of the book. One should mention all defects.
*Very Poor(VP)-Book is seperated from covers, no covers, only a spine or missing one cover. Half of cover is missing, half of binding is missing, etc. Pages are missing, but readability is not affected. For example--title pages, chapter pages, end papers may be missing. Pages are covered in crayon, or pencil marks, but are still readable. Book is beyond fixing, but is still readable (perhaps barely).
*Don't Bother (DB)-Book is not readable and looks as if it has been mangled by a pack of wild dogs or thrown into the ocean and retrieved by a shark. It may be the only title you don't have, but do yourself a favor and don't bother.
*Library Copy(LC)-also called an ex-library copy(X-LC). This should be mentioned in addition to the condition.
*Edition (Ed.)-This should always be mentioned whenever possible/known, whether it's a 1st edition, book club edition or 10th edition. This also applies to printing. Whether a 5th printing, etc. both edition and printing information should be mentioned in addition to the condition of the book.
*Publisher(Pub.)-publisher information as well as any publisher symbols, should also be mentioned in addition to the condition of book.
*Copyright-always mention the copyright in addition to the condition of the book.
XI. Where can I find a listing of titles?
The first is the Unofficial Happy Hollister (UHH) titles page at:
The second is The Booklover's Den Hollister page at:
The third is from The Series Book Network and can be found at:
1. Garden City edition, © 1953, "The Happy Hollisters"-has partial listing
2. Doubleday (no symbol) edition, © 1955, "The Happy Hollisters at Circus Island"-has partial listing
3. Garden City edition, "The Happy Hollisters and the Indian Treasure"-has partial listing
4. Garden City edition, "The Happy Hollisters and the Mystery at Missile Town"-has partial listing
XII. How much are the books worth?
1. "Happy Hollisters and the Haunted House Mystery" with DJ-book in NM cond., DJ in VG cond., Anchor Symbol, Book club edition: price I paid - $7.00 (includes S&H)
2. "Happy Hollisters and the Mystery of the Little Mermaid" with DJ-book in NM cond., DJ in G cond., Anchor Symbol, Book club edition, © 1960: price I paid - $11.50 (includes S&H)
3. "Happy Hollisters and the Punch and Judy Mystery" with DJ-book in NM cond., DJ in VG cond. with mylar cover, Anchor Symbol, regular edition, © 1964, : price I paid - $10.00 (includes S&H)
4. "Happy Hollisters at Circus Island" no DJ-book in VG cond., Doubleday (no symbol), book listing, © 1955: price I paid - $6.00 (includes S&H)
5. "Happy Hollisters and the Indian Treasure" no DJ-book in VG cond., Anchor symbol, © 1953, price I paid - $3.00 (includes 6. "Happy Hollisters and the Merry-Go-Round Mystery" w/DJ in VG and book in NM cond. Anchor symbol, book club ed., © 1955: price I paid - $7.25 (includes S&H)
7. "Happy Hollisters and the Scarecrow Mystery" w/DJ in VG and book in NM cond. Anchor symbol, book club ed., © 1957: price I paid - $ 7.25 (includes S&H)
8. "Happy Hollisters and the Cuckoo Clock Mystery" w/DJ and book in NM cond.. Anchor symbol, book club ed., © 1963: price I paid - $7.50 (includes S&H)
XIII. Are there other resources for the Happy Hollisters?
1.The Unofficial Happy Hollister (UHH) home page at:
2.The Booklover's Den Hollister page at:
3. Happy Hollister Article-has main character descriptions at:
4. The Series Book Network Hollister page at:
XIV. Are there resources for other collectible book series?
1. The RABC (rec.arts.books.childrens) FAQ at:
2. The Trixie Belden FAQ at:
3. The Wizard of OZ FAQ at: http://www.eskimo.com/~tiktok/main.html
1. The Betsy-Tacy Homepage at:
2. The Cherry Ames Page at:
3. The Hardyboy's Home Page at:
4. The Homepage of Anne of Green Gables at:
5. The Little House on the Prairie/Laura Ingalls Homepage at:
6. The Nancy Drew: Girl Sleuth, Girl Wonder Page at:
7. The Story of the Bobbsey Twins Page at:
8. The Trixie Belden Page at:
9. The Wondeful Wizard of OZ Page at:
XV. General Tips and Ideas
I = 1 (one)
V = 5 (five)
X = 10 (ten)
L = 50 (fifty)
C = 100 (one hundred)
D = 500 (five hundred)
M = 1000 (one thousand)
Now for that listing I promised you:
MCMLIII = 1953 (Nineteen fifty three)
MCMLIV = 1954 (Nineteen fifty four)
MCMLV = 1955 (Nineteen fifty five)
MCMLVI = 1956 (Nineteen fifty six)
MCMLVII = 1957 (Nineteen fifty seven)
MCMLVIII = 1958 (Nineteen fifty eight)
MCMLIX = 1959 (Ninteen fifty nine)
MCMLX = 1960 (Nineteen sixty)
MCMLXI = 1961 (Nineteen sixty one)
MCMLXII = 1962 (Nineteen sixty two)
MCMLXIII = 1963 (Nineteen sixty three)
MCMLXIV = 1964 (Nineteen sixty four)
MCMLXV = 1965 (Nineteen sixty five)
MCMLXVI = 1966 (Nineteen sixty six)
MCMLXVII = 1967 (Nineteen sixty seven)
MCMLXVIII = 1968 (Nineteen sixty eight)
MCMLXIX = 1969 (Nineteen sixty nine)
MCMLXX = 1970 (Ninteen seventy)
1st = First Edition
DD = Doubleday
DD-NS = Doubleday with no symbol
ed. = Edition
edit. = Edition
DJ = Dust Jacket
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
GC = Garden City
HH = Happy Hollister
UHH = Unofficial Happy Hollister
w/ = with
***Author's note - Please contact me at happyhollister@geocities.com if you find any errors, mistakes or have information about those areas I don't. Since this is my first attempt at a FAQ, I appreciate any feedback of any kind. Thanks and I hope that this FAQ has given you a new understanding of both the Happy Hollisters and of areas related to collecting them.***
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Started on 2/13/97
© 1997,1998 Matt and Rachel Shreckengast